Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Rocky Beginnings

Rocky beginnings
Hey!Guys.This is Akarshan Mondal and you are on Guernica .Today we will see and know about cave paintings .And the start of a new Painting Era.
Rocky beginnings
In the beginning, there was cave art- the markings of prehistoric man. Although thousands and thousands of years old, the drawings are beautifully preserved often found deep inside a mountain or underground,safe from being worn away by the weather. Imagine in the dim glow of flickering fire,caveman using burnt sticks or dirt mixed with a little water to create their beautiful paintings.

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The impression cave art found at the Lascaux caves in France is known as the "prehistoric Sistine Chapel."The caves were discovered in 1940 by four teenagers, who said to be chasing their dog, robot. No one knows what the paintings were for. Maybe as decoration or graffiti, or for ceremonies on Information ?

African cave art 
The walls of desert caves in Libya, Africa, are covered with pictures of giraffes and other grazing animals. These paintings suggest that in 12,000 BCE, when they were created, the non-barren Sahara Desert was a lush,tree-filled landscape.

Black marks were made using charcoal. This is wood that has been buried under sand and then burnt.

American rock art
This art is found at Newspaper Rock in Utah, USA. It was created by native American Indians before 150 CE. Rather than painting the rocks and the marks gradually washing away over time, the people scratched the oily surface to reveal the lighter sandstone underneath for a lasting image.These images are called petroglyphs.

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