Tuesday, 31 January 2017

What is Art?

What is art?
Hello Guys! I am Akarshan Mondal and this is Guernica. I am back with my new blog.
Before I start I have a very interesting question in my mind-
What is art?
Here we are again.This is a very tricky question to answer because art can be so many things.Once Leonardo da Vinci said ''Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt..."Now a days we can't define art.
It's not just a drawing .... but also be collage,mosaics,prints,photography,sculpture,video,painting,and many other media.
It's not just happy.... but can also show anger,pain,wonder,sadness,and many other emotions.
It's not just in galleries.....but also be in churches,public buildings,in parks and on the streets,in magezines and in fact there's art all around you .
It's not just an image....but can also be a meaningful idea and a historical source,informing us about the lifestyle of people in the past and present.
It's not just aceeptable....but can also be religious,conversational,dramatic and spiritual.
It's not just pretty....but can also be horrifying,scandalous and challenging.
It'snot just realistic...but can also be abstract,symbolic,imaginary,distorted or a fleeting impression of a  moment in time.
It's not just for art lovers....but also for all people of all ages to react to.                                                        

 Art is everything . So first feel it then draw it.

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